Monday, December 19, 2011

Getting to i-Learning ...

Beyond e-Learning perhaps we can focus on i-Learning ... as in:

i = internet-based
i = interactive
i = interesting (engaging)
i = incremental (bite-sized)
i = inter-linked

Finding (and creating) content that meets these criteria we will put us well on our way to useful and effective learning material for the SUPORT project objectives.

What other "i"s (or other factors) do you think we should consider?

Monday, December 12, 2011

Identification participative du contenu à plusieurs - VOTRE aide est indispensable pour trouver un contenu approprié

Le projet SUPORT est en train de mettre en place son projet d'apprentissage en ligne. Nous vous invitons à participer avec un esprit d'ouverture afin de partager avec nous le meilleur contenu que vous avez trouvé sur Internet.

Afin de pouvoir, dans la semaine prochaine, tester ce concept de collecte de contenu, nous vous sollicitons à vous concentrer sur le cas d'une PME souhaitant faire de l'INNOVATION avec un ESS (Etablissement d'Enseignement Supérieur).
Nous vous prions de bien vouloir limiter votre contribution aux catégories ci-dessous (1.1 à 1.5)

1. Avantages
    1.1    Réseaux R&D internationaux
    1.2    Amélioration de la résolution de problèmes
    1.3    Réduction du temps pour la Recherche 
    1.4    Champ d'action pour renforcer la crédibilité
    1.5    Amélioration de l'expertise technique et Accès à des équipements spécialisés

Nous recherchons des liens vers le contenu disponible via le Web (textes, vidéos, podcasts, infographies, etc.) qui répondent aux questions suivantes pour chaque catégorie (citée ci-dessus) de l'apprentissage en ligne :
  • EN QUOI ça consiste ?
  • POURQUOI c'est important ?
  • COMMENT y parvenir ?
  • autres RESSOURCES...
Vous pouvez partager autant de liens que vous le souhaitez (ou aussi peu - mais vous connaissez sûrement AU MOINS UN lien valable), soit par l'une des méthodes ci-dessous :
  1.  L'outil Pearltrees inscription possible en tant que membre de l'EQUIPE à l'adresse : 
  2. En insérant des commentaires ci-dessous ou dans les messageries de chaque catégorie de ce blog
  3. En envoyant un courrier électronique à
Merci pour votre participation... Nous attendons vos liens avec impatience !
1. BENEFITS in SME / Massively Collaborative Content Identification / SUPORT - SME University Partnership Online Resource & Training

N.B: Ce blog est la plate-forme pour un groupe de travail ouvert apportant des idées, concepts, recherches, etc. liés aux outils d'apprentissage en ligne dans le cadre du projet SUPORT. L'objectif est d'informer, de discuter et de parvenir à des décisions qui pourront assurer le meilleur contenu et une expérience pour les apprenants (PME & EES).

We need YOUR help in finding appropriate content

SUPORT is a FREE learning resource helping small businesses to understand and access University expertise, and helping University research staff to access and understand small businesses.

The SUPORT Project is moving into the creation of it's e-Learning deliverable. In an open spirit we are inviting you to participate in sharing with us the best content you have come across on the Web.

In the next weeks we want to test this "crowd-sourcing" approach to gathering content.

We are looking for links to open content available via the Web (text, videos, pod-casts, infographics, etc.) that answer the following questions for small and medium businesses (SMEs) and higher education institutions (HEI)  regarding the key topics we've identified: 
  1. WHAT is it?
  2. WHY is it important?
  3. HOW to achieve it?
  4. Other RESOURCES...
You can share as much as you like (surely you know at least ONE good link) by:
1. Preferably, using Pearltrees (you can join as a TEAM member) at: - see below
2. or your comments here on this post
3. or e-mail your contribution to

Thank you ... we look forward to your links!

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Massively Collaborative Content Identification (MCCI) in SUPORT - SME University Partnership Online Resource & Training

Monday, October 17, 2011

e-Learning Materials Development

Here's an overview of the e-Learning Materials Development (using Cmap).

Click on the image to see it larger.

Friday, October 14, 2011

A new tool (Mind42) that allows COLLABORATIVE use of a mindmap. Below is a mindmap (based on the Pearltree of this topic) that I just started concerning the actual e-Learning materials, such as texts, videos and links, that will be provided on the SUPORT website for learners.
Click, hold and move the slider to the left to make the image smaller. You can also click, hold and move the cursor to navigate around the mind map. Give it a try!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Making Innovation Happen, on a Deadline

Based on a NYT article I ask myself what benefits a "Rapid Results" approach would have on the SUPORT project and, especially, the training course and e-Learning components. See these links for the institute and a book.

What do you think? Mid-October might be a good point to launch ourselves on a 100-day project!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

G.E. to Produce Short Films About Innovation

The idea is to join Cinelan, a publisher of videos that tell stories within three minutes or less, in generating very short movies about world-changing innovation, through a project that has yet to be titled, according to both Mr. Spurlock and Karol Martesko-Fenster, a Cinelan founding director.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Blended Learning: A Disruptive Innovation

Disruptive innovations fundamentally transform a sector by replacing expensive, complicated and inaccessible products or services with much less expensive, simpler and more convenient alternatives.

Blended Learning
Blended learning is a disruptive innovation in education that can take many forms. Here, we look at what blended learning is, why it’s spreading, and how it works in real and virtual classrooms. Join the conversation on blended learning and how it might be used in the SUPORT project below - just add your comments.

source: Knewton Blended Learning

Monday, June 20, 2011

[Sources] OpenScout

Thierry Nabeth mentioned OpenScout as one possible source of content for the SUPORT project's e-Learning platform. See their site here

OpenScout stands for "Skill based scouting of open user-generated and community-improved content for management education and training". OpenScout is a project co-funded by the European Commission within the eContentplus Programme as a Targeted Project in the area of Educational Content (Grant ECP 2008 EDU 428016). OpenScout started in September 2009 and has a duration of three years.

OpenScout aims at providing an education service in the internet that enables users to easily find, access, use and exchange open content for management education and training.
OpenScout can be used by learners directly but also by training and education institutions that search for learning content to be integrated into their learning offerings.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

WP5 Mindmap/Brainstorming

Created using - I (José) will investigate getting a "team" licence so all SUPORT partners can add/modify to the map. For now you can add your comments.

At a minimum I sugest you try "playing" with the map. You can use your mouse to move the map (click, hold and drag) and  you can also zoom in/out (buy using the + and - buttons upper left). 

Saturday, June 18, 2011

[Sources] MIT (OCW)

These free lecture notes, exams, and videos from MIT could serve SUPORT as a possible source of e-Learning material that goes to a deeper level (not quite "bite-sized" as most of these items are "courses"). See a list here that was generated by a search on "innovation".

Note: From now on I'll use the tag [Sources] in the title to highlight items for follow-up (use based on applicability, effectiveness, licence, etc. for SUPORT objectives).

TED Talks: Larry Lessig on laws that choke creativity

Colin raised the question of IPR and usage of YouTube and other publicly available videos, etc. As a framework for further discussion (and SUPORT decisiosn) here is a short (19m) talk by Harvard professor Larry Lessig on copyright issues, creative freedom and marketplace competition.

Use the subtitles function and see this as:
- Larry Lessig o tym, jak prawo krępuje kreatywność
- Larry Lessig behauptet, dass Gesetze die Kreativität einengen
- Larry Lessig dice que la ley está ahogando la creatividad
- Larry Lessig affirme que la loi asphyxie la créativité.

Monday, June 13, 2011


This blog is intended to be a place to capture ideas, concepts, questions, etc. regarding Work-Package #5 [e-Learning materials; website content] of the SUPORT project

It is a "one-stop shopping" location to archive and comment upon items leading to the final creation of the deliverables for this work-package. 

This can be a place to SHARE, REFINE and ultimately CHOOSE the approach, process and work plan that will produce excellent results in this domain.